The 5 Best Ways to Learn Java Online in 2021 | Code Skills

Beginners tend to ask: “Should I learn Java or Python?” The fact of the matter is, both languages are extremely useful and serve different sets of functionalities within the technological gamut. While some people might prefer Java over Python, many others tend to differ in their opinions.

On the fence about learning Java? Here are some reasons that might convince you to pick up the language.

3 Reasons Why You Should Learn Java

Sun Microsystem created Java in 1995 as an open-source language, which was later acquired by Oracle. As a language, Java’s secure, versatile, and portable approach makes it an efficient language for different operating systems. In virtually no time at all, it emerged as one of the best reliable game-changing technologies.

More than 9 million developers are already using Java. Not just that, but the language is running on more than 7 billion devices globally.

Unlike Ruby on Rails, developers can understand and comprehend this language in a limited span of time. Java’s syntax is written in plain English, which equate to fluency and ease of use when writing your programs.

That said, Java may not seem simple to you at first; don’t worry, this is normal. Learning any language takes time and an abundance of practice.

2. Open-Source Libraries

Java’s open-source libraries are easy to study and can be changed according to the requirements of the software.

These libraries enhance the coding experience and make development quicker. Java supports many open-source libraries like Google Guava, JHipster, Maven, Apache Commons, and many more.

3. Cross-Platform Code

Powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDEs) are what define the success and versatility of any software. Java has many IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse, which makes coding easier on the platform.

From automating refactoring to syntax highlighting in developed code, these IDEs have evolved over the years and made the development process significantly more efficient.

Nonetheless, Java has become a stable base for many successful Android-based developments, which play a significant role in enabling Windows Azure and Amazon Web Services.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Java?

Well, different platforms offer different learning options, which span over a period of days, weeks, and months. Depending on your learning abilities, previous coding experience, and the platform you choose, the learning time periods will vary accordingly.

Most online courses are usually self-paced, which means there’s no time limit to when you can complete the courses. On the contrary, some popular courses might be instructor led, so you can time yourself accordingly before opting for a paid plan.

Top Resources to Learn Java Online

If you’re looking for a few reliable online resources to learn Java, check out some of these websites and platforms:

1. Udemy

Udemy website interface

Udemy is one of the most popular websites for learning with a range of free and paid courses. When you’re talking Java, Udemy is at the front of the race for providing some of the best courses on the internet.

If you’re looking for a beginner-friendly platform to learn Java programming, head on over to Udemy to experience what they have to offer. Udemy courses provide a comprehensive approach to the language, which refrains from providing unnecessary textbook material. Instead, you’ll gets access to many hands-on tasks, which make understanding Java and its nuances effective.

Note: If you’re looking for a paid Java Machine Learning session, check out Tim Buchalka’s Master Class on Udemy.

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2. Educative

Educative website interface

If you’re a beginner, there’s a high possibility you might get stuck during the setup process, the software installation, or even while accessing different platforms, right before creating your first Java code. This is a turning point for many people, as the complexity of processes can easily thwart people.

What if you had access to a variety of courses that walked you through the process step-by-step?

Educative is a free platforms for beginners to learn Java online that will help solve these problems. It allows you to code online through your favorite browser, making it easy to learn and code at your convenience. Sound easy enough? The course curriculum is based on a text-based interactive platform that promises to make your coding journey interesting.

3. Coursera

Coursera website

Why should you opt for Coursera? What makes this platform one of the best in the industry? To answer these questions, take a look at the learning material provided by Google, which comes without any hidden costs. Coursera has collaborated with more than 200 universities, including Stanford, Yale, Duke, and Penn. Imagine having so much learner friendly content, all under one platform.

Coursera’s network includes more than 82 million learners who play an integral role in providing valuable insights into content and coding strategies you may have missed before.

4. Pluralsight

Pluralsight website

Pluralsight’s team of expert authors offers in-depth courses on Java learning. They offer a 10-day trial period to understand the systematic schedule and process of learning. Since it’s a paid learning platform, PluralSight helps you with the fundamentals of the language and introduces you to the advanced principles used in Java.

If you’re looking for a top-notch learning platform, start by taking a free online trial with PluralSight. In other words, why miss a glorious opportunity to get an idea about learning timelines,course structure, and what all is involved in becoming a successful Java programmer?

A typical standard and premium course on this platform varies between $150-250, including core and expanded course libraries of Java. The focus is on helping you understand the programming logic to address some of the most common coding roadblocks developers face.

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5. Coding Ninjas

Coding Ninjas Website

Many budding developers have a desire to get placed in one of the finest product-based IT companies. For this very reason, you have to understand the foundation of data structures in Java programming and what makes this language stand out.

Coding Ninjas shows you a clear path that integrates with the basic principles of Java, along with the approaches for handling more than 300 coding problems while developing a program.

They offer a free week’s trial to get a basic understanding of the structure and algorithms. The paid course commences from the basics of the language to coding entire programs in Java.

Their courses range between $90-500 with placement options.

Learn Java the Professional Way

Java might be a multi-purpose language, but to truly master it, you need to get the right guidance and resources. The sources listed above include a mix of free and paid platforms, which are touted to be the best in the market currently.

Choose your course direction wisely, and rest assured, you will never regret your decision. Time to start practicing, practicing, and practicing some more!

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The 5 Best Ways to Learn Java Online in 2021

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